clairethom yoga
My name is Claire (she/ her). I'm a proud, queer woman and I teach yoga.
I believe yoga is for everyone regardless of age, gender, sexuality, class, race. It's a beautiful system that lends itself to all shapes and sizes and all levels of health: physical, emotional and psychological.
Yoga is a tool for every life stage from pregnancy and baby to long-term conditions, life changing and life enhancing experiences, older age and everything in-between. I know this because of the lived experiences of the people I work with and my own experiences.
We can use yoga not just to strengthen our body, breath and mind but to help maintain balance and harmony and just to feel better.
I'm currently teaching classes online - where respect, freedom, feeling safe is as vital as in a face to face class. Feeling part of a group, a community and contributing to its unique energy benefits us all, enhancing our experience as we explore movement, postures and breath. Meditation in action.
Click here for my yoga for the trans, non-binary and queer community page. Please contact me for more information.
For all classes, please message me for more information. Our yoga community extends beyond Edinburgh and everyone is welcome. I look forward to hearing from you.